Returning to the shed I brought the brand new Hive Defender that had purchased from Ceracell, well before my nuc arrived and set the hive upon it.

So this is what I did – got my smoker going and smoked the hive which was under attack and all the wasps vacated it in a hurry – I then covered it completely with a sheet and tucked it in.
I had never experienced this sort of problem when I previously kept bees some many years ago in a different locale so I was a little unsure as to how to tackle this problem. We had seen a few wasps around but they had not been a problem so imagine my horror when I returned at midmorning to see the central hive under heavy attack by an absolute swarm of large German wasps. I checked on them first thing in the morning my hives appeared to be doing well and everything appeared normal. I had three fairly new small hives together in an apiary at the rear of my garden, as it also houses the storage tanks and water pump for the house it is well fenced from stock and in a very sheltered position. Hi Bruce I have been meaning to write to you for some time to inform you of how your ingenuity saved my bees.

This is an unsolicited endorsement of the Ceracell Hive Defender.